Childhood Obesity has grown at a rapid rate in recent years. In fact 1 out of 3 children are now obese.  Kids are now spending less time exercising and more time in front of the TV or computer. Quick and easy unhealthy foods are becoming the norm for most families. The best ways to prevent childhood obesity include regular physical activity and healthy eating behaviors.

On October 5th Journey Cycling and Fitness Studio, where I teach Spin, organized  a fundraiser to help raise money for the MUSC Heart Healthy Program. This program is a pediatric weight management and preventive cardiology service for the Heart Center here in Charleston, SC.

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Over 50 participants took on the challenge and lunged up the Cooper River Bridge to help raise money and bring awareness. My son even took part and lunged as he sang his ABC’s.Once we reached the top of the bridge everyone received a t-shirt and Fabletics swag.

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Lunging up the bridge was fun yet challenging, but the best part was raising money for a great cause. 

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